Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I was pleased to receive a circular email from my learning mentor ( Hi Lydia ) this morning. From this, I gathered that the jellyOS community was actually up and running and had been for some time, although I had failed to access it properly.
Worried that I was getting left behind, I replied straight away, bringing Lydia up to date on my activities, and asking how the online community works.
When I came home tonight, there was a reply with full instructions which I managed to follow.

So in one session this evening I managed to:

Visit facilitators pages and leave a message.
learn how to create a home page, add a photo and text box.
Join in a discussion about the JellyOS software itself, and post a list of advantages of email by comparison.
Suggest a meet up.
Renew aquaintance with fellow student Maureen Slack, (we exchanged emails in September)

I still need to learn:

How to include links to http addresses
How to include a link to a guestbook/discussion area of my own.
If I can access the community from work ( Flash player may need updating on old macs )

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