Monday, February 28, 2005

almost silent

When I switch over from the PC to the Mac mini I really notice the quiet. One of my goals is to make decent quality home recordings of my music and I think I’ll be able to use the MAC and garageband software to do it without going to all the trouble of having a laptop connected to a file server in another rooom or anything so expensive as that.


I think I’ll delay the ukcider questionnaire for a few days.

I noticed that there’d been a pause in new edits to the wiki, with nothing for 4 days so I posted a message to the community to give it a little gentle nudge and explain a bit more. This gentle edging in of the new wiki seems to be working fine. Contrary to expectations, there hasn’t been a single objection, criticism or even “but what if..” type question. That’s not to say there won’t be some yet to come…

The nudge produced a flurry of new edits, some just fiddling about but that’s fine. There are now 70 pubs listed in the cider pub guide, which means it’s getting towards the point of becoming a demonstrablly useful resource already and not just a research project.

So I’ll leave things to run along for a few days and get the questionnaire ready for next weekend instead now.

Monday, February 14, 2005


I've been using 43things to track SMART tasks in relation to one Ultraversity Module, and it seems to have worked very well for me. It helped me to organise my own plans much better than if I'd simply maintained them offline in a document somewhere, and it allowed comments from collaborators in a way that doesn't happen so easily with other peer review processes.

So that's just one way in which 43things seems to be working well so far.

I wonder what else might be achieved by spelling out goals in here?

Friday, February 11, 2005

SMART08 - questionnaire

Thinking about getting more data, the idea of a quuestionnaire seems apt. I tried this in year1 report2 with some success, and it doesn't take too much time to effect. Rather than ask for volunteers and then send them individual questionnaires this time I think I would just post it to the mailling list and gather up any public or private responses.


1) design some questions, draft the email.

eg Had you ever heard of a wiki before?
what do you think of the idea
Have you looked at it - if so how many pages?
have you made an edit yet?
if not yet - do you think you would ever edit it to make a correction or add some useful information perhaps?
Any suggestions

2) Peer review, or prototype to make sure it makes sense.
3) choose a date - around March 1st.

The timing needs to allow for a fair number of people to have already looked at the wiki, but allow enough time to wait for responses and consider them in time for module due date.

4) Collect data and consider what it means

The Questionnaire will not be merely collecting data, but actively publicising and explaining the wiki, thus adding to the "Action" not just the enquiry.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

SMART07 plan

Update the old site so that it shows a nice looking prominent link to the wiki from the main page, ( duplicated on other pages - so library item ) using the 4 pens graphic I think.

Listing pages can be left as they are with an explanation that content is now being developed on the wiki. The old pages remain as a historical document to show what the wiki grew from, and as search engine fodder. By doing this there's no need to revise the old Flash navigation bar for now, so saving time to concentrate on Action Enquiry.

SMART? Yes by Tuesday, I can do it when avoiding SMART06 :-)

The website gets a lot of hits from people with relevant search strings so there will be some peoeple who arrive by this route o the wiki. Eventually some might stay, set up usernames and interact without ever bothering to join the mailing list. So then we will have two slightly different centres of gravity, or possibly even two communities - which might be investigated in a future project.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

SMART05.2 - revised plan

5.2.1) Review the wiki after considering Evan's views, consolidating pages, working on content and form. Make sure there are 3 good quality pages to show.

5.2.2) Offer to make one "user" page.

5.2.3) Start referring to the wiki and asking for opinions in the cop.

By Wednesday.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

SMART06 - write the Literature Review

I have three types of literature:

* ACTION ENQUIRY theory - types of AE - I'm using 1st person and collaborative action research.
* COPs Theory - blog entry pending
* Wiki theory - from Ward Cunningham to Wikipedia and onwards

try to find more linking 2 and 3.

using Furl to catalogue references

write 300 words on each subtype, 1000 total.
must be done by half way through half term.
see discussion on Gina's blog
yes but....
Depends if other things take priority. It may be more important to push on with writing encouragment and explanations for the wiki community at that time.
Yes, when it's done there'll be a link to the lit review from my coursework site.

Hey! that's not SMART it's STRARM !?!


I have three types of literature:

* ACTION ENQUIRY theory - types of AE - I'm using 1st person and collaborative action research.
* COPs Theory - blog entry pending
* Wiki theory - from Ward Cunningham to Wikipedia and onwards

try to find more linking 2 and 3.

using Furl to catalogue references

ultraversity teams collaboration

This goal was created so that we can learn better how the concept of "teams" and shared goals works withing 43things and to produce an RSS feed of 43things activity by Ultraversity people. So let's see how far we can push it :-)

Feel free to invite more individuals to the same goal, I think there may well be some people who will appreciate being introduced to this useful.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Change of plan

One of the features of Action Research is flexibility, because we are dealing with real living situations and people which cannot be frozen, re-run or predicted. So plans are not set in stone, they can be amended as events unfold, and that's what happened just now.

The plan was to draft an initial explanatory message, deliberate upon it for a while, and then post it to the community. Instead what has happened is that the topic has arisen naturally in others' conversations which suggested to me that the time to begin explaining what i am doing is straight away. It just means doing some of the plan in a different order, that's all.

So here's a copy of my messages which effectively initiate the enquiry into the effect of bringing a wiki to an existing COP.


I've been thinking about the possibilities for collating this kind of information (and more) together as a group quite a lot recently, and I think I've worked out how best to do it. I'll explain more about it when I'm ready in a few days time but if anybody feels they'd like to get involved in helping to steer a project for getting the ukcider world-editable reference website underway, then do please contact me.



Hi John,

You asked what help am I looking for?
As I said I shall explain better in a couple of days time but the kind of help I am probably looking for is a small team of UK based cider enthusiasts who are interested in discussing the formatting of ukcider related lists and other information, the detailed development of an open group copyright policy, spending a little time watching over areas for which they have personal knowledge/expertise, and most importantly helping to build a growing participation from other members and website vistors. The lucky volunteers will also be co-researchers in a small part of my degree project, for which I have managed to negotiate credit for doing ukcider related work :-)

I don't think I need the specific skills of programmers or traditional website designers, but those of librarians, community facilitators or reference book publishers might be handy. Anybody who has ever joined in on a wiki based community would be most welcome. In fact anybody who has even heard of a wiki and has time for the idea might step forward.

It's all about trying to build the maximum amount of cooperation to build a growing pool of useful and up-to-date information for the good of the cause. I believe that, for real cider and perry, this group is best placed to pull together the biggest range of sources and make this a reality.

All of this could be discussed right here on the list, and maybe it should. On the other hand it might swamp the lowish volume friendly and directly relevant discussions which we tend to have here, if the ukcider list is suddenly inundated with posts about the structure, classification and formatting of lists. So what does the group think about that?


So now of course I am anxious to see what sort of response (if any) I get.

So in this critical stage I am acting upon my plan, but also interacting intuitively, reaching out for collaborators and collecting data all at the same time.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Wonderful country, I stayed on an uninhabited island, snorkled with reef fish, shot yabbis, saw platypusses, climbed a tropical rainforest mountain and drove thousands of miles on deserted one track roads. Good job it was winter.


I worked at University of Kent, Canterbury for a few years, doing administrative systems analysis/programming. It was a nice job, and I quite liked being situated on the University campus with access to the library, college facilities and plenty of nature in the surounding woods and walks.


Phase 1 was a "1st person action enquiry" which involved preparing the required technology and investigating SMART tasks with 43things.

Since it was successful, I now know that I should be able to proceed with Phase 2, which attempts to answer questions about ommunity members attitude to the idea of building up common resources and knowledge on the Wiki.

Phase ONE needed to be very flexible and barely planned, since it was an exploration into the unknown for me. Phase TWO I think, needs to be more carefully planned if it is to produce valid results as part of the Action Research process.

So the next task is to tidy up after Phase 1 -

* fully transfer out from the old host
* check permissions on the config diirectory, tidy up /wiki
* minimal wiki skinning

And then

* Plan Phase two

planning phase two will involve

* seeding the Wiki with an illustrative initial structure
* drafting an initial message which broaches the project to the community (show this to peers)
* thinking about data collection
* identify non-members who could also be contacted - DM, OhV
* deciding on a few definite goals, research questions
* identifying more possible SMART tasks for phase two

so , quite a big task altogether. I shall give myself until Saturday 5th Jan to complete this planning cycle, and then launch the main part.

Albert Hall

I have dozens of the cassettes, bought from asian music shops in East London, but now I listen to the music through which is the best radio station ever since it plays roughly what I tell it to!

I went to two Nusrat concerts in London, one was at Wembley town hall and the other at the Albert Hall. Both excellent.

He's dead now, of course.