Thursday, October 28, 2010

Need some help

Hi Andrew,


Sorry to bother you again on your vacation but we have a(nother) little problem.


On one of the vendors, we entered it as an item that could be bonded when I shouldn’t hav as duty has already been paid. See item # 2312550 as an example. For now, I was changing the bonded and duty paid price to be the same for labels. However, my concern is that the landed cost is showing that it includes the duty. Julie entered the duty paid cost factor which seems like it is applying it to the bonded price. So, when it is sold as a duty paid item, the duty is being charged on the landed value that has been calculated at a duty paid cf of 1.57. So, we owe pretty much double the duty. It looks like we missed that for 1 of the vendors but I’ll go thru the others. These items were brought in on a small pallet which made sense to duty pay.


As I am going in to change the price, is there any way I could change this? Or do I need to wait? Or can it be changed?

Let me  know as soon as you can. Sorry again for the interruption.

Take care, L


Since 1980 - Because it's worth doing right!


West Settlers' Way

P.O. Box F-40634

Freeport, Grand Bahama

The Bahamas

Posted via email from Andy Roberts

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