Friday, May 20, 2005

A Fresh Look

I’ve been really struggling with this ‘negotiate ILM’ task, so now I’ve taken a fresh look at the whole proposal and decided to go about it in a different way.

Rather than seeing ‘updating the previous findings in the light of new data’ as a means to the end (dissemination and validation), I think I should make this the main focus of the module.

The Wiki was born in February and the AE written up in March, after only a short period of existance. I now have data from the COP and WIKI which covers a longer period (to date) and can be subjected to a more thorough analysis which should reveal deeper and more accurate conclusions.

So the activity will be reduced in scale, and the report focussed on data and analysis, with far less on preparation and process. I shall dispense with the ‘rewrite for a different audience’ objective and instead attempt to engage the meta-cops in conversation about the previous findings. Any data forthcoming from that can then be analysed alongside my own data. I shall also research and review any emerging literature on the topic of using Wikis for COPS.

Now to rewrite the ILM proposal, and begin work.

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