Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Still sprouting

I’m still sprouting and learning. Alfalfa and fenugreek are infallible staples, which can be taken to the green leaf stage easily. The chick peas, cow peas and lentils can start to go off and there can be problems with sunflower husks despoiling the sprouts. In fact, I think the seeds I’m using have far too many broken or damages individuals so I shall seek better quality ones.

I tried some dried broad beans from the Turkish shop, and these are really interesting. After soaking for two days and sprouting for at least 7, the green stalks which emerge can be eaten at about 2-3 inches before the young leaves unfurl at which stage they are fresh green and juicy. The rest of the bean and the root looks a bit offputting, so I mashed them up in a food processor to make a sprouted bean paste which was fine. The advantage of these is that fresh broad beans are only available for a short season but sprouting dried ones could be done all through the year.

Yet to try: brocolli, radish, unhulled sesame

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