Bringing an old learning blog up to date with current activities as an acoustic singer songwriter gigging on the Isle of Wight as Andy Roberts
Sunday, October 30, 2005
blummy - The bookmarklet management bookmarklet
It consists of small widgets, called blummlets, which make use of Javascript to provide
rich functionality (such as bookmarklets). "
Saturday, October 29, 2005
rough draft of Research Proposal
work in progress is here:
Monday, October 24, 2005
Upgrade sooner rather than later
- bug and security fixes
- potential for anti-spam plugins
- easier skin customisation
- editable navigation side bar.
Since it’s a live database, I have to make a backup copy of it first and use that to create a testbed environment where I can try out the upgrade safely, since it’s not just a matter of uploading new software, but restructuring the existing tables in the database as well, and there is no guarantee this will work with all combinations of upgrade.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
it doesn't exist
Tag cloud
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Maybe change to Flock?
Sustainable improvement in diet
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Self-publishing challenges hierarchies - and facilitators
I've been to a couple of meetings in recent weeks where a day's discussion among participants drawn from a wide range of backgrounds, and mainly freelances, released a wealth of ideas for the convenors. In each case the purpose of the day was to develop ways forward for the organisers, working with the freelances - but of course people also saw many ways in which they could work together in pairs and groups without detriment to the central purpose. The network energy could add to the centre.
As each meeting closed, I made the suggestion, prompted by comments among participants, that it would be a good idea to have a better-than-email system to enable people to share ideas and work together since there were no plans for a further get-together for some time. I offered to set up a 'neutral ground' system since nothing was in place.
In each case the response was the same .... don't do that, we'll get around to doing it......
I think I am right in detecting some instinctive anxiety about giving people a space with freedom to publish and a network structure different from the tightly moderated approach in the workshops.
A little self-reflection makes me think that behind my practical suggestions was also a desire to offer up that challenge. The great thing about social software is that the individual has that capability. In future I'll try and raise it earlier in the day."
multiple wordpress
Once I had one instance of Wordpress installed, I tried running the config.php again using a different table prefix. That worked fine for the second instance, but overwrote some parts of the first instance. In order to start all over again I had to go into mySQL and delete all of the tables, then ftp the whole thing up again to a second directory, but still pointing at the same database as the first. Thus I now have two wordpress blogs running off the same mySQL db, and all that’s left is to repeat the excercise but using /blog/ instead of /wordpress/ so I get a better URL for the new blog.
minute by minute
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Introducing the LMOS Open Source Project
Introducing the LMOS Open Source Project: "Update: The LMOS Project Vision and Mission Statements are now in HTML format on the project wiki.
I?m pleased to announce that the LMOS now has a home on Eduforge. This is an idea that really belongs to some of my colleagues at SUNY as much as it does to me, and I?ve been dying to give them the recognition and credit that they deserve. (Some of them are a little shy.) In particular, Patrick Masson and Bernie Durfee have been equal partners in working out the LMOS concept.
You can find the project?s vision and mission statements here [RTF]. We?re eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
Expect more announcements on this project in the coming days. We?re working on some partnerships that could be truly exciting. "
Monday, October 17, 2005
Research Proposal cannot be written just like that.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
How to backup mySQL
Saturday, October 15, 2005
walking 10,000 steps a day
conclusion: If I wanted to get fitter by walking more I would have to adopt a target like “walk 15000 steps a day” but I’m not at all convinced that walking more is the answer for me. Walking the same number of steps only faster would seem a better one, but the pedometer doesn’t measure speed or effort, only the number of movements. I think I’ll pass it on to somebody else for a bit.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Schools put science on big screen
This was a test blog post from the new browser based newsreader Google Reader , re-edited with ecto
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
pilot exhibition
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Still sprouting
I tried some dried broad beans from the Turkish shop, and these are really interesting. After soaking for two days and sprouting for at least 7, the green stalks which emerge can be eaten at about 2-3 inches before the young leaves unfurl at which stage they are fresh green and juicy. The rest of the bean and the root looks a bit offputting, so I mashed them up in a food processor to make a sprouted bean paste which was fine. The advantage of these is that fresh broad beans are only available for a short season but sprouting dried ones could be done all through the year.
Yet to try: brocolli, radish, unhulled sesame