Thursday, September 22, 2005

Transitional Raw Cuisine

One way of helping to make the transition from eating mostly cooked food to mostly raw, is to introduce more raw ingredients into conventional dishes. You have to be careful this doesn’t become an excuse to eat shepherd’s pie with a few beansprouts thrown in though! The raw food has to be added in right at the end, or better the other way round, perhaps adding a cooked sauce to raw vegetables.
So I made a raw vegetable curry, which was good and satisfying.
I make the masala with chopped onions, celery, garlic, ginger and spices, scarcely browned in olive oil, add curry paste and tomatoes, then turn it into a roux with gram flour. Stir in warm water to make it into a big, shiny curry sauce and simmer until the gram flour has cooked out.
Meanwhile I place pieces of raw cauliflour, mushroom, peas and sprouted lentils into a cold roasting tray or lasagne dish.
Pour the curry sauce over the vegetables, give it a shake and leave for a couple of minutes before serving either alone or with (cooked) rice and salad.

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