Friday, January 02, 2004


During the holidays I've been trying to keep up the ultraversity work because I know next term will be short, and busy with the possibility of some evening work for me. And I'm hoping to have a real holiday at Easter at last.
Unfortunately the detailed learning plans ( ILP2) for next term haven't been released, and the Ultralab Staff are all away on holiday so It's difficult to get ahead of myself.

So what have I done so far? I have:

*maintained contact with some fellow students through the email group. This has thrown up some useful links on the subjects of reflection and action enquiry.

*researched and discussed the implementation of the new community software (First Class) with others, including LFs.

*learned how to set up a wiki site, understood the advantages and appropriate applications for Wiki, and begun to get contributions.

*designed an entry page for my own personal ultraversity work site.

*promoted and studied a peer review process, tried it in collaboration with others, learned lessons and published some initial guidelines on the peer review wiki page. This involved reading several other students reports.

*revamped the site with multiple pages and buttons, incorporating links to the wiki pages.

*begun to set up a structure for next term's work and discussed action enquiry and reflection.

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