Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The glitch with getting the 8Meg ADSL working was caused by the master phone socket unbeknown to me having a microfilter built in to it. This meant that I was trying to plug the modem + filter into a filtered phone socket rather than plug the modem without its associated filter directly into the unfiltered ADSL output.
I worked this out after research led me to this useful site:

Monday, July 04, 2005

Last Minute Changes to Module

Passed on to me from Cohort 1 today, a message from Stephen Powell, which, just 1 week before the deadline, appears to make important changes to a module which has been running all year long.

“Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere so I will say it again.

1. The CBSP template has had a slight change. Previously at the top of the self assessment template it said ‘The Intended Learning Outcomes for this module are…’ It should have read The Assessment Criteria for this module are….

2. Note that ‘Select and negotiate appropriate tasks and meet learning objectives’ self assessmnet is about finding evidence from any of the level 2 modules. It does not refer to just this module.”

Friday, July 01, 2005


Bulldog appear to have offered me:

unlimited 8Meg broadband for £17.50 pm .
£1 for the first month, no connection fee, no contract.
a free wireless router.

Annet - Bird Sanctuary

Annet is one of the largest uninhabited members of the Isles of Scilly, 28 miles off teh coast from Land’s End. It’s designated a bird sanctuary because of the Puffins, Manx Shearwater and other seabirds which make nests or burrows on the cliifs. Landing is normally prohibited, but I was with a small group led by a leading local ornithologist who had obtained special prmission. The best part was looking down from the top of the cliffs at an enormous colony of kittiwakes.