Friday, July 02, 2004

PDP Reflection

During my journey to work this morning I reflected on my PDP and workplace learning for 2003/2004

1) I decided that the most significant learning for the year has been all that which concerns blogs.

Because it affects or will affect every aspect of what i do.
*online communities
*web design

each will be deeply affected by the revolution in communication brought about by blogs.

2) The main catalyst for my personal learning has been
*not the workplace
*not the Ultraversity online community
*not the Learning Facilitators
*not the set modules for study

but exposure to ideas through the work of Tom Smith mainly by reading his blog entries, by being given my own Movable Type blog at Ultralab and exchanging just a very few short comments and mails.

3) I think I have identified the prime aspect of blogging which makes the big difference. It is the 'sense of audience' which blogging brings to the authors, in no matter which field they write.