Interview with chief OFSTED inspector.
I was asked what I had achieved in my time at Monson school, then specific questions about assessment, control + monitoring equipment, planning, cross curricular planning and individual learning. I answered without notes and referred to my folders.
I explained that I was new to the job of ICT coordinator, ( 3 weeks) that this was my first OFSTED inspection and I didn?t really know what to expect, so he would have to tell me what he wants me to do or explain.
I asked to be given feedback after each day?s ICT lesson observations, and this was agreed.
I learned
That I need to be involved with Teachers medium term planning, assessing individuls progress and willing to make quantitative judgements about Teachers? lessons.
I felt that the interview was short, that the Inspector didn?t really ask me to show him very much but that he was suportive and amenable.
On reflection I wondered if it had been appropriate to ask me about my year in the role of ICT technician under another Coordinator when this was meant to be a coordinators interview, but I suppose it was his way of finding out what had been going on over the previous year and how I fit in to the school and the ICT lessons.
Also it seems that I was meant to hand over the portfolio of work covered and the ICT Coordinators files, but I hadn?t done that because he didn?t ask me for them. He did mention later that he couldn?t find any evidence of year 6 using powerpoint but I explained that we don?t use that particular program in this school, we use Appleworks and Kar2ouche instead.